Povratak srpskih pobednika
Andere titel(s): Return of the Serbian Victors
Genre: Documentary
Jaar: 1913
Speelduur: 00:36:18
Beschrijving: RETURN OF THE SERBIAN VICTORS AND SANCTIFICATION AND UNVEILING OF THE MONUMENT TO KARADJORDJE ON KALEMEGDAN ON THE 11TH AUGUST 1913 At the beginning of Sumadijska street in the vicinity of Slavija Square on the 11th August 1913, the Serbian victorious army from the Second Balkan War led by the Crown Prince Alexander Karadjordjevic was given a huge welcome by the highest military and political authorities of Serbia and Belgrade, representatives of civil organizations and national institutions, as well as several tens of thousands of people from Belgrade, Serbia and Vojvodina. After the reception, the Army headed by the Crown Prince paraded through Nemanjina, Karadjordjeva and Bogojavljenska streets towards Kalemegdan where official unveiling of the monument to the father of modern Serbian state and originator of the dynasty, Vozd Karadjordje Petrovic, was done in presence of the King Petar I and the whole family of Karadjordjevic, as well as the Serbian political, military and cultural elite and foreign ambassadors.
Trefwoorden: EFG1914 / World War I / Balkanski rat; Srbija; Beograd; Srpska vojska; Petar I Karađorđević; Aleksandar Karađorđević; Vojvoda Radomir Putnik; Vojvoda Petar Bojović / Balkan Wars; Serbia; Belgrade; Serbian Army; Petar I Karadjordjevic; / Serbia -- History -- 1804-1918 / Patriotism / Nationalism / Autonomy and independence movements / Military ceremonies, honors, and salutes / Balkan Peninsula -- History -- War of 1912-1913 -- Atrocities / Balkan Peninsula -- History -- War of 1912-1913 -- Territorial questions / Balkan Peninsula -- History -- War of 1912-1913 -- Regimental histories
Provider: Jugoslovenska Kinoteka
Rechten: In Copyright / Jugoslovenska kinoteka
Productiemaatschappij: Đoka Bogdanović
Kleur: Black & White
Sound: With sound
Type document :
Collectie: Đoka Bogdanović
Language: sr